DECKER Anlagenbau GmbH
Wegscheid 1a
92334 Berching
Phone: +49 84 62 20 06 17-0
Fax: +49 84 62 20 06 17-11
“Because efficiency is key” – this motto is reflected in our portfolio of diverse, individual solutions for virtually all types of surface treatment. Efficiency is also the central topic of tomorrow’s mobility. We at DECKER play a major role in many of these developments.
Efficiency equals speed – which determines success or failure. Processes such as the market launch of the BMW iX are timed precisely. Anyone wanting to supply parts for this new flagship in the fleet of electric vehicles by the Bavarian premium manufacturer has to adapt exactly to the requirements and time schedule. Just like one subcontractor in Slovenia that supplies components for fixing the battery tray. The pickling and passivation plant required for this has a very individual requirement profile – this calls for a lot of experience, quick comprehension as well as fast and implementation-strong plant competence. The Slovenian company found such a partner in us.
We are a driving force when it comes to mobility. Whether fully electric start-up cars, renowned brands such as AUDI (e.g. the Q5 e-tron) or electric cars by BMW in Munich – they all jet into the new age of mobility with parts that owe their special surface properties to a dip in DECKER plants.
In Slovenia, this pickling passivation plant consists of two modules that are 14 metres long, 2.90 metres high and 2.85 metres deep, which are optimised dimensions for truck transport. After delivery in May, our team on site carried out a quick assembly. Loading and unloading are done automatically by robot. In this specific case, a local “desired candidate” of the client took over the automation. “That is one of our strengths – we can also integrate external specialists into our systems at any time“, says DECKER Managing Director Bernhard Hilliges.
Motorbike cylinders, electric car components and even parts of Airbus landing gears (as installed in the A 350): Our connection to mobility is evident. However, it is only one focus in a whole range of possible applications. For example drums used in the construction industry. Another demand is now flourishing again after the restrictions during the Corona pandemic: silicon-etching systems for the Chinese market. “We then may be involved in some modern vehicles several times: Through component surface treatment and because the silicon for the installed chips comes from one of our plants”, says Hilliges.
Photo BMW: global press/BMW; Photo 2: Adobe Stock